Gadi Campus is a store where every type of users who is interested in Gadi like Car, Bike, Bus, Truck and Used Gadi related information can get with all the feature and price range.
You can search any types of gadi and find or directedly enter in browser and find your dream gadi with multiple variants and updated feature.
You can get multiple different types of gadi on Gadi Campus like Car, Bike, Bus, Truck, Kids Gadi and Used Gadi related information can get with all the feature and price range.
Yes, User can color options of gadi, user have to visit on gadi detail screen and their is a link color, click on that link or scroll middle of gadi detail page for see the color option of gadi
Gadi Campus is a store where every type of users who is interested in Gadi like Car, Bike, Bus, Truck and Used Gadi related information can get with all the feature and price range.